The story

An Amalgamation of

Talent & Creativity

The world of animation captured the attention of everyone in the late 90’s with the plethora of visual effects and ample media to render them into reality, offered by this industry

The world of animation captured the attention of everyone in the late 90’s with the plethora of visual effects and ample media to render them into reality, offered by this industry. The move from strictly entertainment to creative media and other applications, hastened the progress in animation technology with each passing day. However, to build a career out of this up and coming field was still met with apprehension.

But it all changed rapidly as more and more people realized the power of animation and worked to give it a permanent seat in the field of media and creative industry. Today we stand before you, with our team of talented artists from all over the globe. Established in early 2020, ILAA FILMS was created with an idea to bring to you the culmination of this progress in the world of animation and graphics.

Through ILAA FILMS we hope to empower today’s directors, producers, ad agencies and various companies, and give them the necessary media to grow their dreams. Our core idea is to harness creativity and innovation and bring them to the masses in an authentic manner via our services.
render them into reality, offered by this industry. The move from strictly entertainment to creative media and other applications, hastened the progress in animation technology with each passing day. However, to build a career out of this up and coming field was still met with apprehension.

Who We Are

We are Creators-
If you have an idea, we will give it the best form possible. With our skilled animators and designers, you can be rest assured that your message is delivered in the most innovative and remarkable way imaginable, which still sticking to the authentic values you have in mind.

We are Connectors-
Visual storytelling is an art. And we have a good record of excelling at it. With our ingenious animations, we will bring closer the customer and the brand, securing a long-lasting impression in the minds of the audience.
We are Compliant-
We are here to serve your needs and lend our ears to our clients. We uphold our pragmatic ideals and will always place customer first. Our down-to-earth approach in dealing with our clients has always ensured that people keep coming back to us day after day.